We believe our time with VP kids is so much more than babysitting! We want our kids to walk away with a true understanding of the truth of the gospel. Every Sunday, while parents are in the adult worship service, your children will worship and learn in their own age appropriate class in the care of loving and capable teachers. You are also more than welcome to keep your kids with you in adult service! Family worship is beautiful, and it's one of our values here at VP - Every 5th Sunday we do a family style service called, "Together Sunday", to worship together with all ages!


- All of our kid’s ministry team has been background checked, and have been attending our church for at least 6 months. 


- Every Sunday, a member of our security team is present and vigilant throughout our kids and adult spaces, ensuring a safe environment for all.

- Our kids check-in process and protocol is secure and designed to ensure each child is accounted and cared for until their approved guardian picks them up. 

Click below to get a head start checking in your kids, and make your first visit as streamlined as possible!

Pre-REgister Your Child

    VP Students

    (Grades 6th - 12th)

    VP Students is passionate about seeing student’s lives changed by the Gospel of Jesus! 

    Our student ministry is a place for ANY and ALL teens to belong to! - No matter their history, their doubts, or questions, we just want to love them, point them to Jesus, and have lots of fun along the way!

    Wednesday Nights:

    From 6:30-8:15pm our students meet at a home in Rhome for a time of fun games, engaging worship and bible based teaching. This is where students can get engaged at a higher level inside of student ministry. Every week we dive into God’s word and see how it applies to your students everyday lives and their call to the gospel.

    Every year we take our Students to Summer Camp, & host our own D-NOW (Disciple Now) Weekend in the spring!

    Email Pastor Robby for more info!

    Vantage point Music

    VP music is a collection of singers, musicians, and creatives from Vantage Point Church, that are in pursuit of the calling God has placed on their lives to be leaders and awakeners of worship in the world. Our desire is to view every moment as an opportunity to stir up worship and awe of the Lord from every heart we encounter.

    We believe in a wonderfully creative God, that inputs His creativity into the hearts of His people. We sing songs from across the spectrum of the modern and historic church, but we also sing songs written by our team for our church. 

    Email Pastor Caleb if you have questions about Vantage Point Music


    Each one of us have been created to live in community and not in isolation. 

    Vantage Point believes that a person’s growth as a follower of Jesus is dependent on more than just attending Sunday morning services. While Sundays are an amazing space to worship corporately and grow as a body of believers, we believe that the shoulder to shoulder time spent in Life Groups will cultivate authentic spiritual transformation and build life long, and godly friendships. 

    Our Life Groups meet weekly in homes all across our area. Each group meeting typically consist of a blend of bible and sermon studies, simply sharing meals, or going on local outings for fun or outreach!  Our groups typically consist of around 6-15 adults and their families. 

    These communities are all about establishing life long relationships that are present for every season, every struggle, and every celebration!

    Find your GROUP

    MEn & WOmens Minsistries

    It is our desire to see lifelong friendships and community built among not only our children and students, but our adults! We love our Sunday morning gatherings, but it is our calling to take it further than simply Sunday attendance. We believe what happens Monday-Saturday is just as important! We weren't made to walk through those days alone. 

    Throughout the year, we have many different offerings for our adults like our weekly Life Groups, but also Men and Women specific events like bible studies and special gatherings like worship nights, or outings and hangouts!

    Womens MINISTRY Email  

    MEns Ministry Email




    The life-changing message of Jesus Christ is intended for a worldwide audience. Our purpose is to impact nations by equipping believers to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19.) We partner with ministries in other parts of the world by providing mission teams, financial support, and other resources. 

    We have a partnership with the people of Thailand, and support a local church plant there. 

    We take regular team trips to serve the local communities of Ban Nam Khem, Thailand, and equip their local church planters. 


    We don't want to just be another church in the area, we want to be part of the heartbeat of our community in Rhome, Wise County, and the greater DFW area. We are always looking for new opportunities to love on our community, and reflect the goodness of God and His love.

    Orphan & foster Care

    We have many families in our church that serve in different capacities of orphan and foster care. Our desire is to continue to grow in our support and resourcing of our families and communities involved in it.

    James 1:27

    Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction